Monday, November 9, 2015

Monday Wellness Reflection

 Monday Wellness:

 After briefly discussing ideas for our Monday Wellness presentation, we decided that we wanted to have a project that related to either anxiety or stress since it was a topic that the majority of the class could easily relate to. A fellow classmate advised us to talk about the importance of self-esteem and how it could either positively or negatively impact a person's life choices. Not only was low self-esteem a topic that the bulk of the class could relate to but it was also an ideal that students weren't exposed to very often.
   Before starting the research for the presentation, I knew very little about self-esteem. While I was aware that self-esteem could cause individuals to lose drastic amounts of weight and can lead to numerous weight problems including bulimia as well as anorexia nervosa, I was unaware that it could lead to increased amounts of cortisol (the stress hormone), increased blood pressure, irregular heart rate, hypertension, as well as fatal diseases including heart disease and even cancer. It shocked me that there were such dire consequences for having a low self-esteem. Also, I was shocked to learn some of the reasonings behind having a low self-esteem. For instance, I was surprised to learn that self-esteem is heavily shaped by childhood experiences or memories; if an individual encountered a traumatic experience at a young age, he or she will almost always have low self-esteem. Contrary to the research, I originally perceived that having a low self-esteem was heavily influenced by social media, where one is constantly attempting to change his or her diet or exercise regime in order to be like a specific celebrity. Furthermore, I never realized how having a low-self esteem can heavily impact one's entire life, from his or her simple decisions to the fear of pursuing difficult goals, simply due to the fear of failure.
  If an individual constantly has low self-esteem, it can negatively impact the individuals around us as well as our critical life choices. This challenge can easily be solved by exercising, doing activities that one enjoys, avoiding comparison to others, or simply sharing stressors with friends or family. By doing so, one can be sure that his or her self-esteem will be elevated greatly. However, by hiding stressors from others, comparing yourself to other individuals, or stressing about minor things, it can lead to individuals forming toxic relationships and avoiding healthy ones, harm one's self-confidence, and may cause individual to be fearful of pursuing difficult aspirations that can benefit them either professionally or educationally.
   Overall, I would give myself a 10/10 because I completed my part of the PowerPoint and researched the physical benefits of having a high self-esteem, so I was educated on what self-esteem is, why it is so important, and possible ways for individuals to positively impact it. In general, I really enjoyed learning about the relevance of self-esteem in our daily lives, since many individuals in our society may be affected by a low self-esteem due to the large amounts of stress and constant comparison to others; however, possessing a low self-esteem is definitely reversible and can benefit one's overall well-being. 

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